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Information Required: Stray Male tabby + black/white cats – Carrigline

  • Location: barry collins carrigline
  • Listed: February 19, 2015 1:18 pm


Please would anybody have any info on the two cats living in the first car park in Barry Collins in Carrigline. I had been feeding them for some time but they have disappeared. I have been told they might have been removed because the were a nuisance around parked cars. They have been living there some time and was told another lady was looking after them.I am just concerned about them.

They are large male tabby and large black/white both ear tips cut so are neutered?

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One Response to “Information Required: Stray Male tabby + black/white cats – Carrigline”

  1. Monica Fergus on November 16, 2015 @ 12:10 pm

    Hi, we have with us an old neutered tabby with some white — big cat big cat, very tame, seems depressed. Been around about 2 weeks and the last week we took him in and he won’t go out.

    We live between Belgooly and Nohoval.
    Intend taking him to Mary in Sunday’s Well to look after as our 4 cats not happy with him around; and he doesn’t seem happy either.

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