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Male black lab mix Lasr seen in Eminence Ky

  • Date: 02/01/2024
  • Location: Shelbyville, Shelby
  • Colour: Black, one white chest patch
  • Sex: Male
  • Size: Medium
  • Breed: Lab/German Shepard mix
  • Microchip: No
  • ID Tag: Not Sure
  • Collar: Not Sure
  • Phone: 5028883110
  • Listed: January 28, 2024 1:16 pm
Male black lab mix Lasr seen in Eminence Ky


Friendly black lab with small white patch on his chest. Had collar on when last seen but his Id tag is missing. He’s 3yr old and been neutered. Was with an Australian Shepard (has been found) now he’s likely traveling alone. He’s been missing since mid December when he was taken from home town and dropped in another county, he was a healthy looking midsized dog but is likely on the skinner side by now.

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