Lost Cat – Gerald Griffin Street
- Date: 20/05/2012
- Location: Cork
- Colour: Black/White
- Sex: Female
- Size: Small
- Breed: n/a
- Microchip: No
- ID Tag: No
- Collar: No
- Phone: 0864112702
- Listed: May 20, 2012 11:34 am
Black and white. Female. About a year old. Must have jumped out of the window of my flat. Very friendly and cute.
Sadly missed.
Apologies for late reply. I’m only beginning to become familiar with the use of these websites.
About May/June 2012 a few cats turned up in my area (turner’s cross). One small female
black and white was included and assumed to be owned. However about a year late I
noticed she was spending time between a neighbour’s garden (by day) and on the bonnett
of their car by night. I knew it was not their cat so took her in. She is still with me.