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female cat, white with black tail list on Togher area

  • Date: 02/10/2013
  • Location: Togher (around Edward Walsh Rd) Cork
  • Colour: White with black markings
  • Sex: Female
  • Size: Medium
  • Breed: mixed
  • Microchip: No
  • ID Tag: No
  • Collar: Yes
  • Phone: 0863158543
  • Listed: October 5, 2013 6:28 pm


Zoe is an older female cat. She is whte with a black patch over her left eye and several smaller Black markings on her body. She is very friendly and is a beloved pet and companion to an older lady. Zoe is about 13 and is always purring.she was wearing a Blue collar

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One Response to “female cat, white with black tail list on Togher area”

  1. Hi, I may have found your cat. Please send me a photo of Zoe so I can see if it is her. My email address is Fingers crossed!

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