Jack Russell
White, black and brown. Dark Face with a long tail.
Collie x missing from ringaskiddy
Black and white collie cross missing from ringaskiddy. Was wearing red collar missing since march first. Kids are heart broken.
Female Jack Russell.
Long tail, brown and white with really cute face (dark eyes and ears). Very friendly and well looked after.
Lost Black and White Female cat
Last Seenn :27 of Feb 2012 in Pembroke Grove, Pembroke Woods, Passage West Cork. She is black with white from her throut to her stomach with white socks. Her name is...
Black/white Collie found ballinhassig
Black with white bib and 4 white male Collie found on farm in ballinhassig....not sure if he dumped or abandoned here.He is very friendly,trained in basic commands a...
Male jack russell cross found in gerald griffin street
Large male brown & white jack russell mix, not micro chipped, not neutered, found off gerald griffin street this afternoon. roughly a year old, very energetic
Found Female Lab Cross Cork City
Female Lab X type dog found South Mall, Cork City on evening of Friday 2nd March 2012. Golden/Fawn in colour with White stripe on nose and White on all four paws. E...
Female lab/staffie cross
Black staffie cross,female puppy with black collar
found dog looks like cross between jack russel and short legged beagle
young male brown and white found in the cobh area call 0870655507
Animal of the Week
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RCN: 20074630