jack russell. male
- Date: 04/09/2015
- Location: ballincollig.near glincool.
- Colour: brown and white
- Sex: Male
- Size: Small
- Breed: jack russell
- Microchip: No
- ID Tag: No
- Collar: No
- Phone: 0873954135
- Listed: September 4, 2015 1:11 pm

brown and white.tail is docked.name is manny.no collar or identification on him.
We have a small jack Russell that answers correctly to your description..I can send photo if you have phone number
We live in Glandore so possible dog was picked up and maybe dropped here
Very quiet small dog, tail dogged, I would say about a year old..no collar but sweet nature
Call at 0879668981 or 0871344013