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Female white cat lost in Rathcormac

  • Date: 31/05/2020
  • Location: Rathcormac Co.Cork
  • Colour: White. Brown tail, one black ear
  • Sex: Female
  • Size: Medium
  • Breed: Mix
  • Microchip: No
  • ID Tag: No
  • Collar: Yes
  • Phone: 0868930448
  • Listed: June 2, 2020 6:25 am
Female white cat lost in Rathcormac


Madam is a 8 year old white female with a black collar that has a magnet on it. She is missing from Rathcormac in Co.Cork for the past two days. She is a very nervous and shy cat so this is completely out of character for her. She is mostly white but has one black ear and a brown tail.

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