Female cat found on Wellington Terrace, Grattan Hill, St Luke’s, Cork
- Date: 11/05/2012
- Location: Wellington Terrace, Grattan Hill, St Luke's, Cork
- Colour: Black with thin white patch on chest.
- Breed: Ordinary cat
- Sex: Female
- Size: Small
- Microchip: Not Sure
- ID Tag: No
- Collar: No
- Phone: 0879872503
- Listed: May 10, 2012 11:52 pm

Found on Wellington Terrace, off Grattan Hill, near St Luke’s Cross, Cork today. Young female cat, more like a big kitten. Perhaps 4-6 months old. All black with a few white hairs on chest. Very friendly and in good condition. Fur very thin over eyes. One eye a little watery. Quite a thin cat. Clearly used to being indoors. Not very hungry. Crying all evening to come in to houses on the terrace. Has not been seen around here before to my knowledge.