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Lost RSS Feed

Listings for Lost (2860)

Female Jack Russell

Female Jack Russell

Female,white with tan markings, pink collar, black mark on nose, responds to mini, rolls over when you pet her,

Jack Russell female

Jack Russell female about 3 yrs old answers to the name mini White and brown colour, with pink collar

jrt lost limerick

jrt lost limerick

brown and white jack russell bitch missing from the patrickswell/adare area of co limerick half brown/white face ,white body with a large brown patch on one side of ...

Male Lurcher Terrier lost in Glanmire Area

my brown, black, grey lurcher terrier, male unneutered went missing on sat 11.08 in the sallybrook area, glanmire. noone has seen him so far so im glad about ev...

Female marmalade cat lost near St Luke’s, Cork

Female marmalade cat lost near St Luke’s, Cork

Medium-sized striped marmalade female cat with a marmalade-and-white striped tail (like a racoon). Small ears. White whiskers with a few black. Often has dirty nose....

female west highland on high street

scruffy looking very frendly she dont have a coller so please please help me find her as she is a childs pet she was last seen headind down the old blackrock road

male tricolour (black white and brown) hound missing since yesterdacastle p...

hes a tricolor hound (brown black white) he has a brown head not wearing a collar missing since yesterday in the newcastle part of blarney but hes well able to trave...


White yellow head with orange spots


Our family pet- Zim - 2 year old female Tabby went missing on Thursday 9th August.She is grey/black stripes with white face and white paws. She is very timid and sma...

Black cat lost in Turners Cross

Black cat lost in Turners Cross

*Beamish* Young black cat - 10 months All black with fluffy hair Pink collar Is microchipped Lost from Doyle Road Turners cross From Sat 11th Aug 2012

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Animal of the Week

Ash is a 9 month old male whippet cross. He is a very friendly puppy and is very willing to learn. He loves other dogs and his favourite pastime is zoomies. He also loves his cuddles! Ash walks well on the lead and ignores distractions well for a puppy. Microchipped and fully vaccinated. Contact Lindsay on 086-2112850

Click here for more details

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Your donations are hugely appreciated in helping us to continue our work rescuing, reuniting and rehoming lost pets. We are an entirely voluntary organisation and we guarantee every penny you donate goes directly to the animals in our care.
RCN: 20074630


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